Late Lunch at La Torre

Late Lunch at La Torre

It was about 10 minutes past two when Wei Tze called me and asked me out for a late lunch on a lazy Friday afternoon. You could hardly find a good restaurant that served wine during the day in town. Like two lions on a hunt, we continued our food searching adventure to a tranquil place which was located 3000 feet above the sea level, on top of Gunung Raya – the highest peak in Langkawi.

Driving up the mountain along the long, winding road was a torture for me. I shut my eyes during the 15-minute journey because I felt dizzy. It was a relief when the watchtower emerged into sight.

We took a table on the balcony, where we could enjoy the scenic view and breath in fresh mountain air. The environment was very relaxing and peaceful.

Hawaiian Pizza – This common pizza wasn’t as common as you think. The crusty pizza base was topped with chicken ham, pineapples, cheese and the unusual black olives. Taste wise was not too bad. I’m not a big fan of olives, I thought that I would have liked it better without them.

Cha Cha Fish with Tumeric (Cha Cha La Vong) – We decided to try one of the Vietnamese dishes and we went for this one. I found the fish was over-fried, that’s why it was a tad too dry. However, it went really well with their tangy and appetizing sauce. Besides, I loved the presentation too.

Beef Lasagna – It’s been a long time since I enjoyed a good lasagna. This was one of the best beef lasagnas I had. There was an abundant of mince beef sandwiched in between the pasta sheets. The best part was that the lasagna was topped with lots of Parmesan cheese.

Overall, the prices were a little high for its value but the environment was very peaceful and relaxing. It’s the perfect place for a light lunch or a cup of cuppa on a lazy afternoon.

More pictures of this place can be found here.

La Torre
D’Coconut Hill Resort
Gunung Raya
07000 Langkawi
Reservation: 017 5975528

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